Old Story Challenges

Mendis has won the award.

1. Is it academic, social, or sports-related?

2. How does he get it?

3. What struggles did he face to achieve this award?

4. What are his ambitions?


Two buses are on their way on the motorway.

1. Can you tell where are they going?

2. Who these passengers are? Are they going on a school or college trip? or are some families joined together for a leisure trip?

3. Where are they coming from?

Use your mind to create a story.


There was a time when there were two boys lost in the forest of Arden. They are lost in the forest because of a game played between boys we take two people in each group and then we go on a different path and explore the forest and get together on the site after this adventure. The first boy's name is Ibrahim Ali, and the second one is Sohail. They had separated from their group named daffodils. There were twenty students in the group including Ibrahim Ali and Sohail.The group came to the forest.....

Author: abdul7876
Posted On: 14-06-2024 01:36 PM Read More

Hidden Tales of the Enchanted Forest

Hidden Tales of the Enchanted Forest The magical depths of Nature's enchanting woodland were to be explored by two companions named Abdul Rafay and Mubashir once upon a time, in a far-off village. They had not anticipated the forest's breathtaking beauty. They were running short on battery life on their cell phones as dusk was drawing near. Suddenly, they were unable to broadcast their whereabouts via GPS, make calls, or use torches. They encountered a surprise obstacle while lost in the wildern.....

Author: Abdul wasay Tariq Siddiqui
Posted On: 05-06-2024 08:20 PM Read More

Whispers in the Wild

A group of friends planned a trip to visit the farmhouse after their mid term examinations to celebrate. They were prepared in all ways but no one would have guessed the horror and trauma they were going to face. The group arrived at the farm and started to unpack their baggage and lay on the floor to cool themselves as the journey to the farmhouse was very tiring and extremely far from their city. They were all starving for food and wa.....

Author: Daniyal Ahmed
Posted On: 05-06-2024 06:44 PM Read More


A group of friends went to the jungle randomly and they were wandering about the environment of the jungle and discussing about the peace that the jungle holds and how much relaxed they were feeling so they decided to do camping in the middle of the jungle so for this a lot of things were required for camping so they distributed the work. Two boys were given the task to collect the woods for campfire so they decided to go in the opposite directions, suddenly they realized they had lost the direc.....

Posted On: 05-06-2024 06:12 PM Read More

Picnic At Amazon Forest

A group of friends go to picnic at Amazon forest in which eight members. They enjoy a lot in the groups at forest. A group of two members separated of their groups and they don't have mobile phones. So they finding their friends. One member is see that the some footprints of some people and they think maybe this footprints their friends. They follow the footprints and think maybe they are die because this forest is full of wild animals. They think maybe any Animal attacked on them. After some .....

Author: Muhammad Anus
Posted On: 05-06-2024 02:07 PM Read More

Friends lost in a haunted dark forest

    Sarah was a girl who loved to visit in the forest. one day she said to her friend that let's go for a walk today in a beautiful place so her friend said. "which place?" she said, "The only beautiful place is the forest." Then her friend said that it is fine, let's go then they both went to the forest and as soon as they reached there, they saw so many beautiful animals, flowers, birds and seeing the beauty of the Forest, and they capture all the beauty of the dark forest in there camera......

Author: Iqra shaikh
Posted On: 05-06-2024 06:48 AM Read More


Amin is standing on the balcony.  

What is going on in his mind?       

What is the name of the town? Do you suggest some names?       

Does he live alone? Can you write a story?


Amin, have you packed your things? You are getting late the taxi is here to pick you up. Amin replied, yes Mom, I have packed everything. I am just going to change my cloth. Amin changed his clothes, said bye to everyone in his family, and left. When he sat in the taxi, the driver asked, “Sir, where do you want to go?” Amin quickly responded, “I want to go to the Beach Town.” The driver requested Amin to tuck his seat belt in. Amin tucked his seat belt in, and they started their jo.....

Posted On: 26-12-2021 12:49 PM Read More


Amin was born in a kind and affluent family. Amin lived in a town named Twingle Town. People that lived in Twingle Town were kind and helpful. It was a very peaceful place. Amin had many friends. He studied in the best school in the town named Education Castle. Amin was happy in Twingle Town. Amin was good at studies and was also good at sports. His parents were proud of him.  One day Amin was playing football with his friends. Suddenly his mother called him. He rushed back and inqui.....

Posted On: 11-12-2021 09:43 AM Read More


In this picture a car is parked in a residential area and a man is seen sitting on the driving seat.

Can you write the story on this picture and answer the following questions?

Who is the person sitting in the car?

Who is the person standing outside the car?

What are they talking to each other?

What are their names?

Are they related to each other?

Do they know each other?

Does the person sitting in the car come from somewhere or intend to go somewhere?

From where has he come or plans to go?

What title would you suggest?


Fred had been on the roads for several hours. He was quite annoyed as he desperately looked at a building called 'ASTER BUILDING' wherein an office was located where he wanted to go. He had to collect some important documents. He had used GPS and spoken to the person in an office who tried to guide him, but nothing worked for him so far. He had some other important jobs to do, but since he could not finish this task, the others were also pending, which put him under stress. He drove the car.....

Posted On: 25-09-2021 11:24 AM Read More


One day, an older man was walking on the footpath. The man's name was Jimmy. Jimmy was upset and did not know how to deal with this situation. Jimmy was thinking about his friends how they constantly made fun of him. He was dejected; however, he did not want to lose them as they had been his friends for a long time and leaving them and making new friends, an idea his brain did not accept.  His friends always said that Jimmy was not so intelligent. He was thinking of ways how could he prove t.....

Posted On: 14-09-2021 10:51 AM Read More


In this picture you can see two frogs sit beside each other and watching a duck which enjoy swimming.

Can you write a story on this picture? 

Can you tell us what are their names?

Do they know each other?

Are they meeting for the first time?

What are they discussing?

What is going on in their minds?

Where are their families?

What title would you suggest?


Once upon a time, there was a jungle that was so pretty. Everyone was happy and peaceful in the jungle. One day two frogs who were friends visited the jungle. They came from a dirty jungle. Everyone was unhappy in their jungle. They liked the jungle and decided to remain there for the whole of their life. They searched the place to stay over there. During their search, they found a lovely pond. They got happier to see that pond and planned to build their homes near that pond. They w.....

Posted On: 18-08-2021 01:25 PM Read More


One warm day, two frogs, named Froggy and Roggy, who were close friends, decided to go to a bigger pond than the one near their froggery. That pond was very famous and popularly known as 'Colwa Pond' as its water was very cold. They never went there before. When they reached the pond, they saw a duck was enjoying swimming as the hot weather also perturbed it. They became hesitant to go into the pond. They were in a quandary and sat outside the pond. They constantly watched the duck and wai.....

Posted On: 11-08-2021 12:10 PM Read More


There was a duck named Dosey. He was very kind and had many friends. One warm day when Dosey was feeling hot, he decided to beat the heat by swimming in a pond near his house. Dosey jumped into the pond and started to enjoy swimming. It was not less than a blessing in this hot weather, he thought. Suddenly he saw two creatures sitting on the rock outside the pond and watched him closely. Those creatures were two frogs, Lona and Dona, who were brothers. They were continuously ridiculing an.....

Posted On: 09-08-2021 07:23 AM Read More


Tino, a sparrow, is sitting on a branch of a tree.  It looks at the rain.

Can you tell us what does she think?

Where does she want to go and why

Where does she come from and why?

Does she come here alone?

Does she want to fly back alone?

How many family members does she have?


Tino was a cute sparrow.  Tino and her family members were planning to attend a family function in another forest.  Her friends were also invited to attend.  The preparations were underway.  Tino and her friends were happy and excited to visit another forest.  It is for the first time they were traveling; therefore, their excitement was worth watching.  Their elders had planned to fly in flocks so that they could take care of each other. Tino was excited as it .....

Author: SYEDA NOOR - E - ZEHRA, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 15-07-2021 01:34 PM Read More


There lived a sparrow in a beautiful big forest.  The sparrow's name was Tino.  Tino was a sparrow that could be easily distracted.  One day Tino was sitting in her nest when she heard a noise behind the tree.  Tino became curious and went behind the tree to check what was making the noise.  She found there a pretty butterfly.  Tino got attracted to it and was following it.  The butterfly noticed that Tino was following her.  The butterfly got frightened and started flapping her wings qu.....

Author: SYED HUSSAIN ISMAIL ZAIDI, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 04-07-2021 06:21 AM Read More


It is raining heavily, and the weather is cold, foggy.  Tino, a sparrow, is sitting on a branch of the tree, looking for shelter. She wants to hide somewhere.  She wants to fly back to her house before it gets dark as she feels hard to find food in this rough weather.  The temperature has dropped, and she can feel coldness has pierced her body.  She regrets now coming here alone despite being warned by other sparrows to go along together.  Had she flown with them, s.....

Author: SYED HASAN ISMAIL ZAIDI, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 03-07-2021 11:12 AM Read More


A picture of a villager is shown to you.  Can you write a story for us and answer the following questions?

Who is he? Does he want to stay longer here?  

Can you tell us where he is coming from?  and where does he intend to go?    

He seems hungry as he wants to eat the meal he brings with him.  What does he have to eat?

Does he want to take a nap after the meal?  

A squirrel is seen atop the tree.  What does it want to do?  Does the villager know about its presence?  

What title do you suggest for your story?


Amjad lived in a small village.  He was a woodcutter who traveled from forest to forest.   He worked hard to make both ends meet.  It was challenging to run the family through his meager earning.  He was the sole breadwinner of his family.  He had an old house that needed renovation.  It leaked during rain, and it took much time to drain the water accumulated after rain.  He wanted to create a shelter in which he could live like other villagers who had the.....

Author: SYED HASAN ISMAIL ZAIDI, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 08-06-2021 12:20 PM Read More


Gerald was a nice and kind villager and loved to help people.  He loved hunting.  One day he decided to go for hunting.  He prepared the necessary stuff to take with him for adventure.  The forest was a bit far from his village.  He was excited, and the thoughts of enjoying a meal from the hunt brought watering in the mouth.   He set out for the expedition without having an idea what difficulties and challenges were ready to embrace him.  He was oblivious about them as hunting had never .....

Author: SYEDA NOOR - E - ZEHRA, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 08-06-2021 10:51 AM Read More


A long time ago there was a villager his name was Jim.  He lived in a small village.  One day, he got the news of his uncle being sick and wanted to meet him.  His uncle, Jake, lived in another town.  His uncle had no children, and he loved Jim too much.  Jim decided to go to see him.  He took some necessary stuff, said goodbye to his wife, Jessica, son John, and daughter, Maina, and set out to the town.  His children also wanted to go with him, but their schools were on, and stu.....

Author: SYED HUSSAIN ISMAIL ZAIDI, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 07-06-2021 03:31 PM Read More


You can see a picture of a boy carrying a bag on his back and engrossed in his thoughts.

Can you write a story on this picture?

And tell us from where is he coming or going?

And what is he thinking?

What title do you suggest for your story?

2. A Call

Arsalan was walking by the street while coming from his friend's house with a bag on his back after a heavy study session. Thoughts were running through his mind about the exams, which were a week away. He was not fully prepared, so understandably, he was worried as he was considered one of the shiny students of his class, and his teachers and parents were high expectations from him.  He knew his responsibilities and did not want to disappoint them.He had some queries about the subj.....

Author: Syed Hussain Ismail Zaidi, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 11-04-2021 01:10 PM Read More

1. Newcomer

Ahmed was walking to school, and when he reached school, he saw his friend Ahad.  Ahmed greeted him and started chatting.  He was talking about the science test that was supposed to be held today. Suddenly teacher Misbah opened the door and welcomed the students.  She was accompanied by a boy who stood silently.  She introduced him as a new class fellow named Ibrahim.   She continued about telling him that he was from England and he did not know the Urdu language.  She passed on the.....

Author: Syeda Noor e Zehra, Beaconhouse School
Posted On: 11-04-2021 01:04 PM Read More